Colin Sisson vierailee vuosittain Euroopassa vetäen seminaareja ja ryhmäkursseja. Kaveri ei siis ole nähnyt talvea kunnolla yli vuosikymmeneen. Minunkin piti matkustaa talvea pakoon kirjaimellisesti toiselle puolelle maapalloa, Uuteen-Seelantiin, jotta polkumme ristesivät reilut puoli vuosikymmentä sitten. Colin on hyvin maanläheinen perusjamppari ja käytännöllisen metafyysikan pioneeri jolta en ole oppinut mitään uutta. Tosin olen saanut opastuksen siihen kuinka voin oppia pois vanhoista, tarpeettomiksi käyneistä uskomuksista ja ehdollistumista jotka ovat tiedostamattomia mutta ohjailevat minua.
Tässä on videopentalogia joka on tehty Puolassa viime syksynä. Pisin pätkä on viisi ja puoli minuutti muiden kestäessä minuutin tai kolme.
"Don't love yourself."
"We are afraid to feel our feelings."
"Chancing from a place of self-acceptance or unacceptance."
"Emotions conflict because we don't like our emotions."
"The only thing wrong with us is the belief that there's something wrong."
Henkilöesittely Colinin kotisivuilta:
An internationally recognized inspirational writer, speaker, seminar leader on conscious living through the power of being present, Colin P. Sisson has many years of experience in inspiring people to expand their awareness and to achieve their full potential. When people discover the present moment, not just as a theory, but as a practice of being here now, a gateway opens that leads directly into the reality of love, joy and inner freedom.
Colin was born in New Zealand and came a long way from a country boy, who was prepared by his father for a career of a farmer, through the battlefields of Vietnam, and through the trauma of post-war confusion.
Colin is living proof that no past trauma or difficult circumstances can prevent us from achieving success, once we connect with our true natures.
While struggling and fighting with life he sought the answers for the eternal questions of humanity: the purpose of life, the reason for suffering, the source of happiness. In his quest he discovered that there are many ways to `enlightenment', and wisdom is in simplicity and being here now. This led to the discovery of Breath Integration that eventually developed into Integrative Presence, the practice of being present.
His educational background is in business law, economics, personnel management and psychology. He, however, claims his greatest inspirations came from meditation, Qabalah studies, yoga, the work of Gurdjieff and Leonard Orr. He is well known and respected for the world-wide contribution he made to rebirthing in 1985 through his bestselling book, Rebirthing Made Easy.
In 1990 he started travelling the world, continuing to learn, and sharing his discoveries with others. Colin's teachings are simple, practical, compassionate, and very powerful in their transforming results. His fundamental principle is of inner-observation and self-responsibility. No teacher can do it for us, except the "teacher" within. Colin is a friend who assists us to discover this teacher.
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